Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download
Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download

activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download
  1. #Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download how to
  2. #Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download install

Click the Next button, provide your password and save.In "Foswiki\lib\Foswiki\LoginManager\" change "$session-> option in the Store settings section and select Foswiki::Store::SearchAlgorithms::PurePerl.If you plan to use the "TemplateLogin" login manager and you are using Foswiki 1.0.9, you wil also need to make a one-character change to a foswiki library file whose current behaviour causes major issues in IIS6: If you get a "permission denied at Line 71" you probably didn't make the files writeable!.C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe) at the prompt and confirm. Specify the location of your Perl executable (e.g.The next point seems to be obsolete, no need to change the #! line under IIS: Run attrib -r * to make the files writeable.Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\foswiki\bin and make all the files writable (you will need to search-replace content, most utilities will not allow this on read-only files):.Go to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\foswiki\bin and rename all the extension-less files to ".pl" extensions ( PL rename script).More WinRAR 6.11 win.rar GmbH - 4. It is characterized by its speed and many innovative features. Freeware - Chrome is a web browser developed by Google. Edit LocalLib.cfg and replace the line $foswikiLibPath = "/absolute/path/to/your/lib" by $foswikiLibPath = "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/foswiki/lib" activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 64-bit More Google Chrome 1.114 Google Inc.

#Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download install

  • If you choose to install it in your root directory or create a virtual directory which points directly to /foswiki, you will have no access to the "bin" directory by default.
  • activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download

    C:\inetpub\wwwroot\foswikiwould be a default location for IIS. Unzip your Foswiki release and put its content on a path without space characters.If you do want a "minimal" installation, make sure you uncheck the following features during setup:.Using the default installation settings should work just fine. here was a link to FastCGI - but this is not working with Perl, only with PHP.Download the latest Foswiki release from.Or you can use Strawberry Perl, cause it's Open Source, but then your perl.exe will be under c:\strawberry\perl\bin.Recommendation: use Perl 5.10 (last checked perl5.10.1 Build 1007), this works fine. PLEASE NOTE: There seems to be an issue with perl 5.12 (last checked perl5.12.1 Build 1201), it caused errors of the form "Use of uninitialized value in lc at \ line 127".Download ActivePerl.The normal free version is fine.

    activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download

    I used Windows SB Server 2003 (x86) with IIS 6.0, but it should also work on Windows XP / Vista.

    #Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download how to

    This Guide will show you how to run Foswiki (1.0.6 to 1.0.9) on a Windows machine with IIS (already installed). Thx to the author(s) of the FoswikiOnWindowsApacheAndActivePerl document for the ideas and the form of this document.

    Activeperl 5.16.3 build 1603 download